BEWARE: Fake Recycling

Caution: many so-called electronics recyclers are actually exporting your obsolete e-waste to be dumped overseas. That’s not recycling! Unfortunately, many local e-waste collection drives don’t partner with proven, responsible recyclers (often due to the higher cost), leaving you with little assurance that your e-waste isn’t just dumped someplace else. The only way to be 100% certain that your e-waste won’t end up dumped overseas is to take it to an e-Steward recycler. There are only a handful of these in Texas: Find an e-Steward location here.

Learn more about this from the non-profit group Basel Action Network. BAN is featured is two great news documentaries — watch and share, please!

CBS 60 Minutes: The Wasteland

PBS Frontline: Digital Dumping Ground (video here)

12 Responses

  1. Gosh, did your site make my day. I’m 70 yrs old and have been recycling for 40 years. Way before the first Earth day. Have always had a problem with them damn dead boom boxes. I’ll be using this site a lot. I also am a practioner of recycle art and growing flowers in interesting containers. I’ve got old recycle war stories if any other old junker wants to share.

    • Gail,

      So glad that you’re enjoying the site! Feel absolutely free to share your recycling war stories, photos of your recycled art or anything else that suits your fancy! We love to hear from folks who commit themselves to giving old products a second life. Thanks so much!

      Jeffrey Jacoby
      TCE Fund Program Director

    • Gail:

      A few of my friends and I are in the process of putting together a web-site for recycling. It is going to have a portion of it dedicated to how to repurpose items. I would like to get you email and share ideas.


  2. Is this the Gail Xandy from Scotts Valley Ca.?

    I was friends with Mike Zaharakis, and his wife Vicky about 30 years ago, along with Harold Freeman, Ron R. , His sister Jeanette, etc etc etc.

    I am pretty sure it’s you.

    write back if it is.. Mike Traster

    • Yo, Mike, well I sure don’t live in Scotts Valley anymore. Did you live in those funky little cabins with Mike Z and Vicky? Did you know that if you hiked up to the top of that hill you could see down into George Lucases ranch? Did you know me when I was Mental Patient Advocate in Santa Cruz or when I worked as Grounds keeper at Marriotts Great America? I’ve always been on a kinda dual path, nature (landscape) or nurture (social work).
      So, Mike, where are you NOW? You musta been somewhat younger than I am, but, I always was a bit aheada my time. Do you remember fighting the timber moguls who wanted to cut dowm the rest of the red woods?

  3. Wondered why Scotts Valley sounded familiar – was thru there last April on the weekend of a 2-week business trip to Palo Alto. We visited Henry Cowell (kept calling it Simon Cowell!!) Redwoods. Anyway, just wanted to say that whatever part you had in saving any trees – thank you!!!

  4. It is extremely important for those electronics drive hosts to seek out electronics waste recyclers who follow reuse, reduce and recycle practices. The amount of energy used to re-manufacture a product is exponentially greater than refurbishing an item.

  5. Has HTC applied for tceq take back program, i do not see them on the manufacturers list

  6. I work for an E-waste recycler, we are Zero waste, and listed with E-steward and BAN. check out our website, we are located in San Antonio, TX.

  7. […] on Environmental Quality failed to adequately ensure that companies won’t rely on “sham recyclers,” companies that export and dump old electronics on developing nations, said Zac Trahan, […]

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